Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Father would use a phrase..."They (He, She or It) don't have the sense God gave a dead goose." I would have the phrase used on Myself on having said or done particularly stupid.

I use this phrase to this day. It has morphed into..."They (He, She or it) don't have the sense of a dead goose." You see I have left the Deity out the equation. This omission is for a reason. I find that religiosity is one of the few ways that Human Beings can be convinced to slaughter or otherwise commit mayhem upon their fellow Human Beings. To this day a "red flag" goes off in My mind... If I find that a person is religious, even spiritual, that red flag tells Me their could danger here. 

Fortunately most folks are good and I find, after further investigation, that it is usually safe to pursue a relationship or do business with these
harmless, if quirky folks. I have been fooled.

The Democrats are insisting that we must take in refugees on the reasoning that "this is who we are". Myself...and most Americans are perceiving a "Red Flag", I/We are seeing pictures of Widows and Orphans, when in fact (I'm informed) most of these refugees are young men of military age. Is this true? I do not wished to be fooled, yet again.

We must take the time and effort to find out just who these people are and what they really want of us. Lady Liberty will still be there lifting her lamp beside the Golden Door and welcoming the "Wretched Refuse". Perhaps the best way to help these people is to defeat the fanatics that are driving them out of  their own homes, that they presumably love. 

We must take the effort to make certain what we do...or the phrase might morph further into..."You (He, She or it) do not have sense of a God Dammed Dead Democrat."

Practically every negative thing that is happening now in the Middle-East, must be directly attributed to the lack of leadership and total lack of understanding of the Middle-East by the United States Government. This then, will be the legacy of the past two Presidents...and their foolish State Departments. They have been "seven kinds of a damned Idiot". That being another epithet My Father would use...occasionally on Myself. Unlike the Government, I usually took credit and owned up to My Idiocy.

Individuals and Governments can be wrong...and are allowed to be wrong. The "Idiocy" comes in when they do not acknowledge that idiocy.