Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Well, I guess that shows those nasty Terrorists a thing or two... bravely going ahead, defiantly having the Climate Conference in Paris our Fearless Leaders have struck fear into the hearts of ISIS, forcing them to befoul their suicide Depends.
(I certainly hope the sarcasm...well, Drips)

I also would remind the Fearless Leaders that their agenda to turn the United States into a third world nation is on track. They are right on time to kill, or at least throttle the golden goose, by beating our economy into submission. They must realize that they can no longer count on the American People as their personal piggy bank to move forward into the brave new World with no rules, no borders.

"Uncle"...we all Cry. Do your worst, You elitist slimeballs, You."

Though I am not in the slightest bit religious, I begin to feel a bit like Job dealing with his God. Substitute "Government" for "God" and I find Myself in the position of "not" cursing My government, but I must ask, "Why", and just who is the Satan you wager.