Sunday, January 10, 2016

"My people are stupid...I am stupid to"
I have My Powerball ticket in hand
when I win the thing I fully intend on giving most of it away.
The very first thing I will do is turn my phone off and lock My door.
I will then look into buying bus passes and rolls of quarters, as I intend to give
everybody I meet a pass and a roll of quarters so that they might take to bus to
University Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City and partake in a great meal
at the coin Machines.

This may take some time as I am not entirely sure how many bus passes or rolls
of quarters are available in Johnson bear with Me.

Well, as you all are aware by now...
I did not win the lottery
no need for the City to print more bus passes
no need for the banks to stock up on quarters...alas.
There will be further lotteries...
I will probably step up and pay My...
regressive tax on the stupid.
Remember two things...
You can't win if your not in and
just because you win does not mean 
you are not stupid. 

 The Republicans Debate...

 dream of a simple time...

 Living Free
The urinals of American politics
in 2016
Contemplate your future light of the
constant assault by the left on the first and second
amendments...and presumably the rest of the Bill
of their whim and convenience.

Crocodilian Angst
I see on the news that the good folks over at the People's Republic are
concerned about a lack of voter participation in special elections in
Johnson County. This seems strange to Me as a lack of voter participation
would seem to benefit those who think they know better than the electorate
what is good for the electorate.
My suggestion is that the people of Johnson County try experimenting with
a two party system. I have resided here almost 50 years, but have dim
recollections of living in other places...that did have a two party system.
As any idiot knows, the roads are always smoother in a two party county.
Voter participation would just take care of it's self in a multiparty county. .    
A gloriously pink socialist buzz saw threatens to dismantle the American Dream...make no mistake