Sunday, January 10, 2016

 The Republicans have made each other...

look absolutely petty, foolish and ridiculous, I have given up on all of them...despite a couple of good ones in the group, they have all fallen victim to the temptation to try and label each other the enemy. This is why I have decided to wait (hope) for someone to come out of left field and save us all from Me Maw Clinton.

A message from Millennial women to the Clinton machine
Hillary, You have lot to learn about Rock & Roll  

I have just never seen as sorry a group of
people that have presented themselves to be
President of the United States.
It is hard for Me to fathom that this could
be true given the sheer numbers of
candidates...In My entire life I have seen
very few good men worthy to serve in that
office...but this current crop takes the cake
in unworthiness.