Wednesday, January 6, 2016

 Bill of Rights...
Up in smoke

(It would seem that nobody wants to be "free" anymore. that is
trouble for You and none of My own...I got to live in the era of
freedom for most of My life and...You will not.)

The old Tonight Show with Carson has just gone
into syndication!

I have tried to watch the modern offerings of late night TV, however
they all seem...not very funny and not terribly entertaining at all. 
I seem to prefer a dead Guy and his mostly dead guests to the new
breed of late night host, some of whom are just creepy and some of whom are only occasionally...sort of amusing. New or syndicated,
the format suffers and is difficult to follow with all the unrelenting commercial interruptions.

My thinking is that the time of the late night talk show is over.


Speaking of Television...
here I sit in Iowa only a few weeks
from the Iowa Caucuses.
I turn on the TV... the odds are that
I will stumble upon a Hillary spot and
I think I have stumbled on to a
rerun of
"Everybody Loves Raymond"

I await Spring
Rough Seas