Saturday, January 2, 2016

There is no joy in Mudville (Iowa City) tonight...
after having been so badly humiliated at the Rose Bowl. Fans turn their sweatshirts inside out... skulk out of Pasadena and take a stealthy run for the border. I almost feel sorry for the Jocks after they were bested by a one man (almost a freak of nature) show.
This may well happen again next season as we face yet another easy line of opponents, only to face the big boys in post season play.
Little mention in the local media and I have noted seeing two or three instances of bad temper in people. These are a bit like road rage, but not in traffic. An example, a guy at Hy Vee  yelling at another guy for running into him with a grocery cart in the parking lot.
Stuff like this may all be coincidence and perhaps more due to the end of a long hectic holiday season. People are just not talking about the game. I hear none of the good natured banter after a loss, like normal.  One observes something like this ill temper in Iowa City...maybe once every two or three years. My best guess about this phenomenon is that Iowa is just too small a place to support any sort of pro sports, making our self esteem and image inordinately tied up in our college sports. 
Maybe I'm wrong about this, I will monitor the local arrests and expect to see a spike.     

Hey! better luck next time.