Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I am informed by the NEWS that the missing matter of the Universe has been found!
If they could only find all My missing socks and that Hopalong Cassidy guitar that mysteriously disappeared from My boyhood home when I was about six years old. My parents were powerless to explain it, or help Me find it. It has been a great mystery for over 60 years. Perhaps now with the missing mass of the universe accounted for I could solve one of the great mysteries of My life. I looked for that thing for years after it was..."Just Gone". I did find it once...stashed behind the piano in the dinning room. I was just giddy when I found it but alas, it disappeared again shortly after I was reunited with it and it's crank on the side that played cowboy songs.  My parents again seemed unable to help. 

Maybe these same "wondrous scientifical" folk could discover where all the honesty, ethics and sense of fair play has gone from most all the politicians currently running for President of the United States. My parents are long gone and cannot usual. Perhaps the scientists could find the "missing grey matter" in the candidates brains. That is if scientists have ethics beyond grant writing, they might well prefer dishonest politicians to hoodwink.  

Tax time is coming...
Let's go through your pockets...

Still life with chair

Post war invention

peering through the brush
for somebody I could vote for.
I cannot vote for Hillary...
and I do not wish to vote for
squabbling little children.
Will a big, grown adult please step up
to be President of the United States?

Running man

Fishing for somebody
I can vote for...
Bring back My America
Night wings
A nightmare of things to be...
What dreams may come...



like clockwork

My tiny house of years ago

St. John

Here I sit on a Halifax pier...
the last of...something or another...
stinking tourists, I guess

Black moods soothe the soul...
Heading up the Donner Pass...Tahoe below
a word you cannot say without pinching your nostrils closed 

I hope all you politics junkies are paying close attention to the Presidential elections...this is an almost perfect example of how and why we always seem to end up having to hold our collective noses and vote for a ragtag bunch of liars, losers and inevitable scum. And ultimately...ending up having a Hobson's choice in choosing a President.
I sometimes muse about demanding that that certain People be forced to serve as our leader, in handcuffs perhaps...sort of "jury duty" style because it is their turn to serve. I also ponder how it might be if it became "highly illegal" to spend a single damn dime to aspire to public office.
May be that is just Me...being overly idealistic, or immoderate...or something, but "Damn" if I could vote for anybody of either party.
Oh, I will vote for someone if I must "write in" his name. It will not be "none of the above", but it outta be.

* I have spent most of My adult life working in prisons and community corrections and have noted a certain level of  "honor among thieves", but never among politicians. The politicians have taken more from Me over the years than all the thieves in all the prisons in all the World.

Mendenhall Glacier 


Boy, oh Boy...
I watched the big festivities in the uh, the Ex Motor City. It
seemed to Me that three of them were up well past their
bedtime. Only Kasich seemed to be a big full grown adult. 

I certainly hope that Bryan Pagliano has been given some sort of witness protection as well as immunity for his cooperation in Server Gate. Powerful and malevolent forces may well be out there to see he says nothing...untoward about all this, I'd surmise.
Spend the night in Villisca ?
bed need for breakfast