Saturday, February 20, 2016

"The bounty"
It is interesting to note that it now costs more to plant corn and beans than they can be sold for,
yet farmers are planning to plant more. Farmers must be taking advice of the Federal Government.
It must be noted that these days, very few farmers know how to grow anything but corn or beans.
 Great beauty might be found only steps from the sewage plant in Coralville.
Bring your camera...and a clothespin for your nose...perhaps.  
Wait a will change 
The very last New one?

American Dream

Wanted...a young man or woman who wishes to become a millionaire, as you surely would, If you might convince Tim Hortons to locate in Iowa City. They would "kick ass" on any coffee now available way out here on the prairie.
Lots of other "wonderful good stuff", as well.

I would do this Myself...but I do not wish to be wealthy as I am not
that sort of person.

Streamline Cannonball
Squall coming up over Bay of Fundy

St. John skyline from area of the Ferry Dock

Reversing Falls at slack tide
*this is a spot where two continents collide
Kings of the Road
The shape of things to come...
Vs. the way it outta be

Guess I would respectfully request that His Holiness refrain from
comment on our election...much as I agree with him on this one.

Just does not seem wise. 

It's a treat to beat your, uh feet in the Mississippi mud. 

Browning's Shop in Nauvoo

Bibs and flannel...

An angry Ent ?

Northwest Harbor N.S.
Pullman cars Boone, Iowa