Tuesday, April 5, 2016


I have come to the conclusion that there is
nobody out there, on either side and running for President of the United States, that deserves any rational consideration for that honor.

There is one guy that I could hold My nose and cast My ballot for, and he has no chance in Blue-Billy Hell.

In over sixty years we have elected only two men who were tolerable as President. I have never seen a more raggedy bunch of fools whom aspire to that office.

We are continually advised that it is our patriotic "duty" to vote. Our only real choice is to decide who will steal from us, for what and how much. It's sort of like being scolded by doctors...that we take too many antibiotics that they, themselves prescribe. I surmise that there are about 5 good doctors in ten and about 2 good politicians in a hundred.

*This year is a perfect illustration of why we keep getting all these "stone maggots"as our leaders and I am being kind when I say "stone Maggots". Elected officials love to feed on the bleeding body of the electorate.


The American economy

For those out there demonstrating for a $15 dollar minimum wage...
Watch out !
You just might get your wish. It is no skin off My nose, but You might just die a
millionaire...which is also the bad news, you perfect idiots.
(ready the wheelbarrows so you can take your millions to the store...for your bread)


The Bickersons  

I was watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" last night. I switched to the "Hillary vs Bernie"
debate. I kept switching...back and forth, back and forth. For the life of Me, I could tell no difference and got confused as to which I was watching. Guilt was the major theme of each. I guess we all should get ready for four, maybe eight years of this crap or pap...whichever it is.      
This is the likelihood  that I would vote for
I will naturally vote...
not for anybody above,
not ever.

A special note to Hillary and Bernie

nearly 50% percent of Americans pay no Federal taxes at all!
There is no reason on the green Earth that half of us should
have no skin in the game...however small.
I'll have to reread My Gibbon on the last days of Rome.

The Citizens clambering for more free shit?

Put Me down as favoring changing the $20 dollar bill...more or less to get Jackson off it. I really don't care who should  be on it. Feel free to use My image. 

"I'm allergic to people who get a Nobel Prize for nothing."
                             Sheldon Cooper

Don't get Me wrong, I would never "be" the President...even if I could be the President...I am just not that sort of person. If by some cosmic accident, some cruel joke on Me...I was the President. I would take a second job washing dishes in some nearby restaurant. The Pope in Rome washes the feet of the unfortunate and this would be My way of doing the same thing. I would work at least one eight hour shift once a week in the hope I could learn humility and service to others.

It is high time to retire the penny and while we are at doing good things it's also time to end daylight saving...or maybe just leave us on it.

I see...in the news that Harvard University just wants us all to
be "happy".
to borrow a phrase, "Isn't that Especial".
(send My honorary degree to this blog)


I guess the old saying...is true

If you don't like the political climate, wait a minute and it
will change. I watched the returns come in on Tuesday night...
and sure enough, it got worse as Trump locks it up on the GOP side. On the Democrat side it seems to be a choice between worse and even worser. I could never vote for any of the three total losers.
I will have to look around for a name to write in.

In order to vote for any of the above, I would have to like them
at least on some level...I find I dislike almost everything about
these turkeys.

Seems to Me the only way to resolve this
stupid, pointless and face it...really dumb 
bathroom crisis...is one big room and stalls,
lots of stalls. As a people we really do not
need to deal with this really unimportant
made up controversy. Let us just handle the
thing as we do at home...sounds, stink and all.
Unless, of course we do nothing at all.

We have never needed common sense more than
now in this republic...there are really Earth shattering things we must consider and deal with
before we deal with the politically correct nonsense we inflict upon ourselves.

Title 9 comes to a restroom near you...
How, just how can we exist in a World where
common sense no longer exists? 
One summer, many years ago and between semesters I worked at the Clinton Corn Processing Company in Clinton Iowa as a summer worker. There were a few dozen of us and we rotated through every rotten job in the plant. One day we would dig dirt for a new cement slab,  the next we would be cleaning bird shit off the top of box cars. The next week we might be assigned to the "bull gang" replacing ties along the tracks in the yard. On a good day we might get three to five ties done. This is where I learned to say, "Screw the bosses...take a break". Then I got the call to do the worst job in the bunch...dumping 100 pound bags of activated charcoal (same stuff in some cigarette filters) into a four story tall tank of hot water to filter syrup through to make it white enough to send off to Wrigleys to make gum. After eight hours of this every piece of exposed skin would turn black as night. Only break would be to crawl out a window onto the roof and gaze upon the full moon over the Mississippi, the plant was on the banks of that river. When relief came I trundled off to another building and the "wash up" area.
The old guys were there and saw I was black from head to toe. "Just take a nice hot shower...hot as you can stand it!", they all said, "It will all come off", they all said nodding their heads in unison. Mostly it did...except around the eyes and after I showered I looked a great deal like a raccoon. The old guys had "got Me"...the truth was that it was a cold shower that would remove the charcoal and hot water would only set it in the tender skin around the eyes. I had to walk around Clinton like that and for the next week everyone in town knew exactly where I worked and that the old guys "got Me".

Why did I write the above vignette? Every time I see Donald Trump on TV, all I can see is that big round yellow or orange face with all that rediculas hair, pompadour style on his head.   All I can see are those beaming white eye sockets...this reminds be of the way I must have looked to the good folks of Clinton...only in negative. It must be that what ever He smears on his face to simulate a Tan burns or something or does not take around the eyes. This makes him look like he has been wearing goggles. This indicates to Me he has certain vanity and phoniness that I can't abide. I think of  The Donald as "The Orange Man". 

In the case of The Donald it was not the old guys that got him...it was his own vanity.

In the strange case of the State Department "Blob" Administration spokesmen rather clumsily deny that Hillary is part of the State Department Blob...that group that White House aides referred to as The Blob. (technically true enough NOW that Hillary is no longer Secretary of State) Too late...it is hilarious and I will now think of Hillary as the "Blob". It fits so well, even if her clothing no longer does.

Now where is Hillary's former IP guy...and his Emails...He and they have gone missing

witness protection program, maybe?
or "Disappeared". (remember the White-Water guy from years ago?)

I still could not vote for the Orange Man...
Or The Blob.

In My unending search for somebody to vote for
I can promise only that it will be nobody
that has brought us to this fine fix
we find ourselves in


Can't sleep...Hillary will eat Me
Can't sleep...Hillary will eat Me
Can't sleep...Hillary will eat Me
Cant't sleep...Hillary will eat Me
Can't sleep...


One can only hope that the "Free Shit" people
will crawl out from their cardboard boxes and
dorm rooms and beat Hillary in California, and
then go flaccid in the general election.

I will naturally vote for the Libertarian.

I guess it is Johnson and Weld...
they are also too old to be President,
but I'm down to them.

Maybe somebody will turn up.
I won't hold My breath.

I declare Twitter War
Both Idiotic, presumed and gutter dwelling nominees engage
engage in a juvenile "Twitter War".
anybody who follows this...
Is spending time that they will never be able to reclaim.


It is certainly too soon to tell what the ultimate
result of Brexit might be...
what must be said is that it is a setback
for the slow, and seemingly 
unstoppable attempt of those in power
to control...everything and all of Us. 

There is also the possibility that this just
might, could-be...a first step away from
evermore centralization of control over 
humanity in general.

One must wish them well.
*while this is no new Magna Carta...it does have that flavor.
This time not aimed at a King, but at the Global Elites...the 1% 
as it were. Those who no longer bribe each other with envelopes
of cash, but through donations to their "alleged" charitable foundations.

It is not so much the money...

As the power and control of it

that they desperately and relentlessly seek.

It has been pretty apparent for a couple
of weeks that "the Fix" was in...
Bill Clinton was not attempting to beg
or threaten in that erstwhile secret meeting
on the tarmac in Phoenix...
He felt the need to stop and thank her. 

Clearly...rich folks should not hold
public office.
for all our sakes.

Bernie the socialist has just purchased
a third (beach) home.



Despite most people just hate her act and her silly shit agendas, it is looking as though Clinton will
be the next President...on account of having a World class idiot to run against. This leaves Me in
a strange place, I cannot vote for either under any circumstance. Actually I would love to see
Trump beat her...and wipe that over-confident and smug look off her face. Alas, that would leave
an Idiot in charge. We have had five Idiots in a row, so maybe with proper restraint this is not quite a scary as it seems.
If Hillary wins, She does not look from here to be in good enough health to make eight years and this is a real blessing.

Here is to Trump not destroying the Republican Party...Goldwater stile, We really need them...despite 
the fact that I am now a Libertarian. Guess I'll vote for them.

Here's too four years of the Marie Barone of Politics and, "Everybody love's Raymond."